Wednesday, September 23, 2009



Tried to sleep, but I can't and I wonder why.

Tried the internet to lull myself to sleep...still awake.

Mother caught me still awake...and I still can't sleep.

The seconds are ticking, ticking, inside my head. I can't sleep.


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Nocturne by Mao Asada


I am not an expert of figure skating at all, but I have come to love the sport after seeing random clips of women and men gliding along the ice as if lurching into triple-triples is not a hard feat.

From all the videos I have watched, there seems to be a general consensus on figure skating, especially when it comes to interpreting music. Softer music is harder to interpret, especially in a short program where you have to have all the technicalities done.

Maybe that was the reason why I instantly got hooked with Japanese skater Mao Asada when I came across this particular video. She was skating to Nocturne by Chopin, and just seeing her glide along the ice and make those powerful jumps, spins and spirals along with the notes leaves me breathless.

You may see it for yourself:

There is a certain lightness in her skating which hooked me to her as compared to other skaters. And though, on most of the literature I read about her tells me her artistry and connection to the music is dull and bland, I have to beg to disagree on that.

I know about her triple axels, and that is a very hard feat in itself, especially for the ladies. But I seriously believe that's not all she's worth.

Especially when I saw her skate to this, to another soft music.

She may not be as facially expressive as the other skaters, but she still is. Even her body language says it all, especially to the choreography she uses to the nuances of the notes.

I have my own preferences, and that is why I like Mao-chan a lot.

May you be successful this season, Mao-chan.


Saturday, September 12, 2009



I realized that I have developed an eager fascination with a man I do not know.
Just because I watch too much Discovery Channel in Iloilo.

He loves the cat family.
He is Rogue Nature's host.
Again, he is so friendly with cats.
My soulmate, wait for me.

His name is DAVE SALMONI.

But I am more in love with that cute, fluffy, furry, sweet tiger.
Awww! So huggable!

credits to original source

You can look him up here.


Wednesday, September 9, 2009



After a couple of visits and mobile correspondence with my friends and family, I realized a lot of things:

1. The museum is not what I expected. More stories were kept shut than told to the world.

2. Harry Potter won't get out of my head for unknown reasons.

3. Charice's Note to God is invading Iloilo's radio stations.

4. I discovered my sense of purpose: I am here acting as a surrogate real estate lawyer for my beloved parents whose job description includes staring into unfamiliar walls and ceilings and deciphering the Ilonggo language like a true champ.

5. I could stare and read a load of fiction the whole day and I won't have any work done.

6. Where is everybody's salary? Has it become an issue of national importance?

7. I miss my pets. My family. Even that blasted coffee shop my friend frequents - and I hate coffee.

8. My best friend is in Zamboanga, too.

9. SS Laconia is also called as the Silver Queen.

10. The internet saves the day - and my sanity.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

From Iloilo with love


The sunshine looks lovely against an ocean mast.

Hello, Iloilo. :)

credits to the owner
