Thursday, July 26, 2012


i just love thisss.

jeffrey buttle and mao asada skate to "unforgettable".

taken during the ice 2012 show.


Monday, July 16, 2012

fullish <3

It comes to you unexpectedly. It always does.

I had my 25-year existence to vouch for that. Observing, listening, experiencing it firsthand.

You sleep in the most hidden corner for days, months, years. You sneak in alleyways that never saw the light of day. 

You may live in the most uninhabitable place ever discovered by humankind. You may not believe in it at all.

But love will always find a way to find you.

Thank you for making my days colorful, for having something else more to look forward to.

For raising the adrenalin in my blood. For creating a flush to my cheeks. For making my heart beat so fast, for making my skin tingle at your slightest touch.

Thank you for making me feel so alive.

I love you.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Calibre, here I come!


Mmm, the amount of books I will be joyfully reading once I convert them all to PDF babies.
Yesssssss. <3