Friday, September 2, 2011

I moved out!!

Hello gaaalllls and for anyone who still cared to read this online piece of craziness! :)

This is to inform you that I am officially closing this blog account. My days with Blogger had been extremely stimulating, but, well, preferences change over time. (Blame it on the person who introduced me to Posterous.)

So I'm packing all my notes here and imported them all to Guramiii City, where I vowed never to leave. Again. Changing blogs from time to time is extremely strenuous (I am not known to be patient on this area) and I NEVER intend to do this for the second round. I'm also aiming for longevity, you know, and since I'm actually giving more effort there to update, why not just stay in one place and use one blog? And it loves me, haha.

So for those who still cared to read, thank you for everything, good bye and see you in my new blog! Although you MIGHT be seeing updates here every now and then. :)