Wednesday, February 13, 2013



It might seem petty to a lot of people, but not to me. This is an accomplishment worthy to be noted on history BECAUSE I DID IT (Yes, I am very excited about this)!

When I was tasked to do the layout of a project brief we will be distributing to our foreign donors for their field visit, I was not so hesitant about it until I realized I have to do a layout of the folder as well.

I panicked at first because I am not familiar with layouting folders. Booklets, brochures and signages I can do, but not materials that require more assembly than folding, stapling or perfect binding.
But Google saved the day. After acquiring initial info on folder templates and how I should make my material printer-ready, everything was a breeze already. And yes, I feel like one proud mama when I finally saw the fruits of my labour (and there were no complaints from the printing company I sent the design to).

I accomplished another milestone just because I did not give up. Yay! :)

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